為您獨創的智慧型手機 | Windows Phone (台灣) 已模擬畫面。Windows Phone 市集裡的應用程式;可用性可能因地而異。某些功能與服務需要 Microsoft 帳戶、Wi-Fi 存取及數據連線;需支付電訊廠商費用。某些功能、服務、裝置及色彩會因區域、電訊廠商、方案與 Windows Phone 軟體的版本而異。
LINE | Windows Phone 應用程式+遊戲市集 (台灣) 隨時隨地使用免費的語音通話功能 (OS 8.0) LINE讓您一天24小時盡享音質清晰的免費通話功能! ... 採用全新Windows 「Metro」使用者介面 採用最適合於Windows Phone使用的「Metro」介面,全景背景等設計風格將提供用戶更加方便的使用體驗。
LINE for Windows Phone 版應用程式正式推出 目前最流行的手機應用程式 LINE 繼 iPhone 版和 Android 版後終於推出 Windows Phone 版,LINE 是一款全新型態的即時通訊應用程式,可以在智慧型手機上和好友互傳免費簡訊、或是免費語音通話,主要特色包括發送多媒體檔案(如文字訊息、表情符號、相片、影 ...
Windows Phone 8 review - Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features It's not very often that we feature a hardware section in a mobile OS review, and it's even rarer for us to put such a strong emphasis on it. Yet, one of the most anticipated enhancements to the Windows Phone platform has been support for several long-ove
LINE (Windows Phone) - Download More than just your average chat app LINE is an interesting alternative to apps such as WhatsApp, ... Cli ...
LINE messenger bumped to Windows Phone 8, adds lockscreen ... 28 Jan 2013 ... LINE messenger app for Windows Phone has been updated to take full advantage of Windows Phone 8 and new functionality. Popular in Asian ...
Windows Phone 8 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news The Bottom Line Windows Phone 8 is absolutely worth using, especially if you enjoy a simpler, bolder inte ...
Nokia Lumia 735 Windows Phone review UK - PC Advisor line-up - this is, after all, the phone codenamed Superman - the Lumia 735 has loads to offer not only f ...
Windows Phone 7 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news Locations don't link to maps;. Horrific Yahoo search in the browser on some phones. The Bottom Line Windo ...
WindowsPhoneReview.com Windows Phone Review, News, Applications and Games This site is all about windows phone news, reviews, rants and raves. No-Nonsense Windows Phone news, revi ...